Looking for the best props for food photography? You are on the right site, guys !

 Props are one of the most important elements of food photography. Adding the right props in the photography set will boost the quality of your pictures. Here are 5 best food photography props to add to your list.

#1. The Best Props for Food Photography : Wooden Photo Board

A wooden photo board is a perfect prop to create a beautiful backdrop. This small piece can make a huge difference in food photography. It is also a good investment since you can use the item in almost every single food photo. Many options of wooden photo boards available in the market now. This will make it easier for you to find the one suitable the most for your needs.


#2. Unique Cutting Boards

If you are thinking of pursuing a career as a pro food photographer, make sure to invest in unique cutting boards. They can be a great way to help you add some visual interests to your food photos. Sometimes, all you need is just a simple board. However, having unique cutting boards can help you create contrast on your dish and other properties. Unique cutting boards such as the one made of marble can create a perfect contrast on a dark background.

The Best Props for Food Photography :

#3. The Best Props for Food Photography : Marble Slab

If you think that the wooden surface is too ordinary, consider using a marble slab. It does not only create a cleaner surface for a photoshoot but make it looks more gorgeous. A marble slab is one of the best ways to help you add a luxurious touch to the photo background. Not only that but the marble material used in the prop can help you a certain illusion of “morning glow” especially if you want to take pictures of breakfast recipes.


#4. Parchment Paper

A parchment paper will work best especially if you want to take photos of baked goods. The prop is easy to get. You can easily purchase it at most cooking stores or grocery stores. A parchment paper, especially the crinkled part, creates a unique texture that will look good on your food photos. This will make it possible for you to add more dynamic lines in the composition of the pictures.

The Best Props for Food Photography :

#5. Cloth Napkins in Neutral Colors

Last but not least. Cloth napkins, especially the ones in white and neutral colors are a great option for food photography props. They can effectively add visual interest to the photo composition. Additionally, using white and neutral cloth napkins allows you to easily reflect light back onto the food. As the result, the photos will look much brighter and impressive in a natural way.