There is no exact standard to be a great food photographer, so here, we’ll discuss about 6 steps to be a great food photographer. Great for some people might not be great for others. The photography journey is unique, it’s an individual journey. Yet, there are several steps you can try to be a good photographer.

Food photography is one type of photography that has a different challenge. A photographer is not only performing as a photographer, but also as a stylish food.

Steps to be a Great Food Photographer 1: Learn the Basic Photography Skill

Photography is a wide subject. When you choose food photography, you already choose one type of it. Yet, when it comes to skill learning, the materials will be very much.

The basic skill you have is about lighting, your camera information, styling skills, and also basic composition. These elements are needed to create the best food images.


Steps to be a Great Food Photographer 2 : Find Inspiration

To be a great food photographer, you sometimes have to put down your camera and try to find inspiration. Spend your time looking for photos and see what happens with that image. Find the one that inspires you and see how they produce their images.

You can also analyze the image they capture by having a moodboard. Curate it and see what you want with your work.

steps to be a great food photographer

Deconstruct Your Role Model

You may have groups of photographers that inspire your work. Try to analyze each of them and see the smallest details. Learn how they create the image, and critically analyze how the image is successful.

You can learn the apertures, the lenses they use, the lighting, and also the styling. Make some notes on how they cook the dish, modify the light, and how they play with colors. Make yourself visually literate.

steps to be a great food photographer

Practice Makes Perfect

After you learn how other photographers do their job, now it’s time for you to give it a try. Try to shoot and don’t stop. Become fluent, and become fast.

When you practice a lot you will be getting fast to work and to determine which way works to get special images.


Get an Honest Opinion

To see whether your plan works well or not, it’s better to see from different points of view. Every plan has flaws, and it’s hard to see if you’re in it. To make you more objective, try to have mentors or someone who’s experienced in food photography. Or try to look for someone you trust that can give you advice.

To make you grow as a food photographer, you need honest feedback from your mentors. Look for someone that keeps you grounded. l, someone that will help you see your visions guide to achieve it.


Be a Tough One

The last step to be a great food photographer is to be passionate enough to do your work. Passion will help you to keep innovating, to grow, to learn more, and of course to make your crafts get perfect.


steps to be a great food photographer