Try these 7 tips for photography food to capture food like a pro !

Do you think that great food photography can only be made by using a professional camera? Even by using a phone camera, you can create beautiful food photos to share your social media by considering these aspects.

1. Tips for Photography Food 1 : Photo Angle

What is the very first important thing to consider creating great food photography using your cellphone camera? It must be the photo angle. The right photo angle can deliver you a much better result. Instead of using a 45 degree angle, it’s better to take the photo from above.


2. Tips for Photography Food 2 : Composition

Do not forget about the composition. It is essential to make your food more interesting and pop out. The composition sounds complicated but you can just simply follow the rule of the third when you are arranging the foods. It will help to draw attention to the food better.

Tips for Photography Food

3. Tips for Photography Food 3 : Lighting

There is nothing more important than the lighting in photography including food photography. You need to get the right lighting amount to keep the food color crisp on the photo result. It is also essential to build the necessary shadow that can make the food looks more interesting. Natural lighting is the best lighting choice for food photography.


4. No Flash

Just because the lighting is important, it does not mean that you can use your camera flash when you do food photography using your cellphone. You should avoid using your camera flash if you do not want to find a completely different color result. Using flash will also cause unnecessary shadow that makes the result unattractive.

Tips for Photography Food 1 :

5. No Zoom

You better not use the zoom feature of your cell phone camera when you take food photography. Instead of using the zoom, you just need position your camera until the food can fill the frame properly. It will keep the photo result in much better quality.


6. Colorful Foods

You need to use the color strength of the foods. It is pretty normal when people are attracted to more colorful foods. You also have to do the same thing when taking food photography.  Do not forget to build the color combination when arranging the foods. You can use the color of the main foods but you can also enhance the color by using colorful food decorative elements.


7. Edit

Last but not least, do not forget to edit your photo result. You can use photo editing apps on your phone to give the final touch to your food photos. Feel free to use the right filters that can enhance your photo better.


Tips for Photography Food 1 :