Are you looking for cheap food photography backdrops ideas? You are on the right site !!
You must have seen food photos on Instagram and wondered how they look so good. A part of getting great pictures is using the right background. Surprisingly, expensive-looking photographs can actually have cheap backdrops. Read these 8 cheap food photography backdrops ideas to find out how.
1. Fabric
Fabric backdrops are affordable, easily found anywhere, and extremely versatile. A tip to find a great fabric backdrop: look for interesting textures or patterns! Some fabric types that make the best backdrops are lace, linen, and wool.
2. Paper
It’s possible to get fancy photos using any paper that lay around your house. You can create interesting textures by crumpling up baking papers and paper bags. Old photos, newspapers, and scrap paper may help create a story through the photo.

4. Reclaimed Wood
Wood helps add a warm and cozy feeling to your photo, so they work very well with homemade comfort food. Reclaimed wood tends to make a better backdrop than new wood because the former has darker colors. They’re also cheaper.
5. Vinyl
An inexpensive vinyl marble backdrop can look as good as a fancy marble one. Textured vinyl backdrops are awesome for flat lays. But make sure that they’re matte because they can create reflections otherwise.
6. Tiles
Nowadays, you can get huge tiles at very cheap prices. They come in a huge array of beautiful colors and textures. Don’t forget to shop for tiles with a matte finish so that they don’t reflect light when you take your pictures.

7. DIY Backdrop
This option will take a bit of your time. On the upside, a DIY backdrop is very affordable. Not only that, but you can also create any backdrop you need, as big as you need. All you need is plywood. You can paint it with any color you want. Alternatively, cover it with textured peel and stick vinyl.
8. Other Objects
Other than background, decorations can add to the narrative of a photo. Start looking around your house to find any trinkets or uniquely shaped objects. Combine colors, shapes, and patterns to highlight your food.
You can also use other food as a backdrop for your food photo. Are there any ingredients that would go well with your photo? Vegetables, fruits, and spices can be awesome photo props if you know how to use them.

Now that you’ve seen the 8 cheap food photography backdrops ideas above, you get an idea of what to get. They’re easy to find, right? Maybe you can find some in your house.
Hopefully, this article can be an inspiration for your next project. Remember that no matter what your props are, the photo depends on your techniques, skills, and experience. Good luck with your photos!