There are lots of amazing food photography technique tricks you must know. 12 between them will be learned here.

Taking photos of muted objects like food is different from, just say, human. Some techniques are needed to bring out the best in the food. Learn about these powerful technique tricks to help you create wonderful food photography results.


#1. Amazing Food Photography Technique 1 : Deodorants Make Fruits Look Glowing

Believe it or not but a simple trick such as spraying deodorants on fruits will make them look more glowing. This is something that professional food photographers often used to their photo objects, especially fruits, to look more stunning than their original appearances


#2. Amazing Food Photography Technique 2 : Machine Oil to Replace Syrup on Pancake

Another cool hack in food photography is using machine oil for a pancake. Unlike syrups that will be absorbed fast, oil machine can stay longer on pancakes.


#3. Shoe Polish Make Burgers Look Brighter

Do you know how people make burgers look brighter in food photography? Yap! They use shoe polish to brighten the color of burgers.


Amazing Food Photography Technique

#4. Seafood Looks Fresher with Glycerin

It might sound odd but a simple ingredient such as glycerin can do so much for food photography. You can make seafood keep fresher for a long time simply by using a mixture of water and glycerol.


#5. Glucose Syrup for Noodles

How can noodles in pictures or TV ads always look “wet”, fresh, and tough? Well, easy! To create this illusion, photographers pour glucose syrup on noodles to make them look mouth-watering for a longer time.


#6. Cardboard Box Inside Cakes

Another powerful trick often used in food photography is placing pieces of a cardboard box inside a cake and then pint them with tooth sticks. It will keep the cake looks swell. 

Amazing Food Photography Technique

#7. Liquid Soap to Produce Foam

You can create foam as a prop in your food photography by using liquid soap. The foam produced from liquid soap is more stable, making it a perfect prop for beer or coffee pictures.


#8. Mashed Potato to Replace Ice Cream

Taking pictures of ice cream is very challenging since it easily melts. To solve the issue, you can use mashed potatoes decorated like ice cream for the photoshoot.


#9. Shaving Cream, Not Whipped Cream!

Unlike real whipped cream used in food photography’s props, shaving cream can’t melt. That is why photographers like to use it to replace the easy-melted whipped cream.

Amazing Food Photography Technique

#10. Replacing Milk with Glue

It is widely known that milk can absorb cereal easily, making it bad for food photography. To create a good picture with cereals, you can replace the milk with glue.


#11. Mix Soda with Antasida

Combining soda with antacids can cause a chemical reaction to create bubbles. The mixture is a great idea to create more durable “carbon dioxide bubbles” when taking pictures of soda.


#12. Fill in Chicken with Towels and Papers

Do you know that roasted chicken in TV ads is actually never roasted? Yap! People use towels and papers to add a volume of the “roasted chicken”.