Producing instagrammable food photos is not as complicated as you think. You can even produce them simply by using minimum properties. Find out 7 useful tips to help you produce instagrammable food photos on the following page.

#1. For Instagrammable Food Photos, Smaller is Better

Speaking about the best portion of food photography, a smaller portion is better. By keeping it small, you can draw the focus of the audience to the food itself. Not only that but also makes the food looks more tempting.


#2. Create a Simple Concept of Food Photography

To make the pictures more attractive, you add kitchen utensils to the photo set. You can use things like spoons, bowls, or knives in the photo concept. However, keep in mind to use a simple photo concept. Just like a small portion of food, using a simple concept of photography will lead your audiences to focus on the food. 

instagrammable food photos

#3. Use Left-Right-Back Technique

This is a very simple but useful technique to create instagrammable food photos. To do the technique, you need to take the picture 9 cm from the left, 3 cm from the right, and 12 cm from behind the object. You can change the distances to meet the sharpness levels of the lighting. Avoid using a front-camera when taking pictures since it will make the photos less attractive. 


#4. Landscape vs Portrait Instagrammable Food Photos

If you are not sure about taking pictures by using a landscape or portrait mode, just do “trial and error”. Make sure that you explore the two modes until you find the most suitable one for your needs. You can take photos from various angles. To get the best results, just place the food in the center of the photo set. Then, change your position here and there to get the best angles for the photos.

instagrammable food photos

#5. Provide Space

Leave some space on the left, right, above, and beneath the photo object when taking pictures. It is aimed to provide spaces for notes during the editing process.


#6. Show the Ingredients

Place the ingredients used in the food in the photo set can make the pictures more artistic. This is because the color combination between the foods and ingredients is nice to see. 


#7. Take Picture from Above

Taking pictures from above during food photography will be very helpful. It can be one of the best options to take especially if you want to take pictures of soup, a cup of coffee, or tea. However, you might consider taking pictures from the sides if you want to capture photos of certain foods like hamburgers.